William Wilson

Barrister, Environmental
William Wilson has over 25 years’ experience working as a senior lawyer on environmental and energy laws and regulation within government, private practice and consultancy.

His practice has included UK and EU environmental and energy laws and work on water, waste, air quality, industrial emissions, chemicals regulation, radioactive substances and environmental regulation. He worked as a senior lawyer at the UK Department of the Environment/DETR/Defra, has worked with all of the devolved administrations in the UK, and has undertaken legislative drafting projects in the UK, EU, Southeast Asia, Middle East and for a Crown Dependency.

He spent a year in the USA on a Harkness Fellowship, visiting 25 states and researching and writing a book on ‘Making Environmental Laws Work – Law and Policy in the UK and USA”, and he is currently Consultant Editor for Halsbury’s Laws volumes on Water and Waterways. His recent work includes in-depth coverage of climate change, Green Recovery, energy transition, net zero, and the full implications of the COP26 climate negotiations for businesses and future policy.


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William Wilson