The workshop will cover
The status of policy & strategy development
· What else needs to be done?
The status of funding and financing in relation to:
- Waste management
- Decommissioning
- Spent fuel management
The organisational arrangements
- Has a WMO been established?
- What are its responsibilities
The organisational arrangements
- What facilities for L/ILW disposal are available or planned
- What arrangements are in place / being developed for spent fuel
- Interim storage
- Repository development
Who would benefit from attending the workshop?
Lead Trainer: John Mathieson
How is the workshop delivered?
The workshop is delivered in a ‘classroom’ environment at the client’s site. The agenda and structure of the workshops will be tailored as appropriate to specific requirements of the client utilising IAEA and NEA guidance, and international best practice.
The normal duration of the training is one day, but this may be subject to change depending upon the client’s requirements. The specific scheduling, training delivery, and facilitation arrangements will be incorporated into the tailored programme development to ensure effective and timely delivery of the training.
If you would like to discuss the training options and your specific requirements, please contact Ben Robinson at or +44 7869 307437
To register your interest or for notification of future dates, please complete the enquiry form.