We advise manufacturers, importers, exporters and other corporate and regulatory clients on a wide range of legal issues affecting the cross-border movements of goods, services, capital and technology.

  • We are an interdisciplinary global trade practice with lawyers and trade professionals operating in both the UK and China
  • We have deep experience advising on international trade law issues relating to cross-border movements in goods, services, capital and technology
  • We have highly respected lawyers across a range of disciplines with considerable expertise advising governments and regulatory organisations on the drafting and interpretation of trade laws, including:
    • Environmental regulations
    • Maritime and trade law
    • Energy projects and cooperation agreements
    • Hazardous waste transport, storage and treatment
  • Advice on bilateral and regional trade agreements, and the impacts these may have on corporate clients in a range of sectors
  • Specialist expertise advising on trade remedies in the UK, US, China, Canada, Australia, India, ASEAN countries and other markets internationally, including:
    • anti-dumping
    • anti-subsidy
    • safeguard measures
    • other trade remedy and trade defence actions
  • Advice on customs regulations and disputes, and other cross border trading issues
  • Links with our team of Maritime and Insurance Law experts based in London and The Hague
  • Intellectual property rights and advice on dispute resolution of cross border IP disputes
  • US section 337 investigations
  • Export controls, sanctions by national governments and international agencies
  • Movement of management and other personnel across the borders and immigration issues.