​Ben Robinson

Ben Robinson is a training and development consultant with over 20 years’ experience in the energy, infrastructure and IT sectors. He has worked with major employers in the development of training programmes designed to address key skills shortages, and competence requirements.

A Cambridge University economics graduate, Ben has extensive knowledge of how to assist organisations to identify and map their training needs, to specify, design and develop training solutions and to manage the successful delivery of training programmes.

Ben has led the scoping, design and development of several flagship workforce development programmes to meet major skills shortages in the energy and IT sectors. He has been involved with training programmes across a range of levels, including graduate development programmes, engineer and technician development programmes, apprenticeship programmes, conversion training programmes and new entrant training.

Ben’s approach to driving excellence and continual improvement in training provision extends not only to learner experience, but also to identifying how programme delivery can adapt to evolving learning technologies, to changing skill requirements and to the changing contexts in which they are applied.

Prior to joining Prospect Law, Ben spent the preceding nine years with EA Technology working with employers across Energy Networks, as well as the Renewable and Nuclear Energy, Defence, Government, Transport, Infrastructure, Engineering and Manufacturing sectors.


Prospect Law energy specialist law firm for hire

​Ben Robinson

(+44) (0)7869 307 437