Peter Carter

Dr Peter Carter is the former Head of Nuclear Non-Proliferation in the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

In this capacity he served as the alternate to the UK Governor to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board, and led a small team covering, inter alia, nuclear safeguards policy, nuclear export control issues, Bilateral Nuclear Cooperation Agreements, and civil nuclear issues associated with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Dr Carter’s very early career was in defence-related research. Since then he has held a number of posts spanning the UK Ministry of Defence, Department of Trade and Industry, and the Cabinet Office, largely on policy work in science and technology and related international issues, including serving as the UK representative on the OECD’s Committee on Science and Technology Policy. He has also worked as a National Expert in the External Relations Directorate of the European Commission in Brussels on non-proliferation (the KEDO nuclear project concerning DPRK), returning in 2001 to become Deputy Director of the UK’s Foresight (futures) programme. Peter Carter holds a doctorate in plasma physics and an MBA from London University.


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Peter Carter