Eric Jiang

Consultant, International Trade & Investments
Eric Jiang is a Partner at Jingtian & Gongcheng, a Beijing based law firm, and in that capacity works as a consultant with Prospect Law advising clients in the fields of international trade and customs, international investments and transactions, and international litigation and arbitration.

Eric is licensed to practice law in New York (USA), in Ontario (Canada), and in all the provinces of mainland China. Eric studied and researched law for 14 years, achieving an LL.B. and M.Jur. at Peking University, an LL.M. at Queen’s University, and a J.D. at York University. He was a full-time faculty member of the School of Law at Peking University, but has since been practicing law within and outside China.

In addition to his other international work, Eric has represented many companies in antidumping, countervailing and other trade remedy cases, and has developed solid expertise in customs and trade laws, FTA and WTO laws. Eric has authored or co-authored a number of English and Chinese publications dealing with a range of legal subjects including: A Practical Guide on Corporate Governance in China, Customs Law, “Towards A Truly Globalized Competition Initiative”, “From TPP to ‘One Belt, One Road”: Some Thoughts on Establishing Institutional Supports”, “Ten Years After Accession to the WTO: Recent Developments in and an Analysis of the Non-market Economy Issue”, and “Trade Wars, WTO Crisis and China’s Response: Reshaping Global Trade Rules”.